Choosing a Contractor

Here are some great tips from Lowes on choosing a good contractor to work at your home!

When the time comes to choose a contractor, how will you distinguish between a certified, experienced contractor and a corner-cutting swindler? A little research and some probing questions can help you make the right decision and save you time and money.

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Locating Potential Contractors

Planning is the foundation for a successful remodeling or building job. Specific, detailed plans allow the contractor to more accurately estimate the cost and length of time involved. Decide what type of work needs to be done and what type of contractor or subcontractor is required. For instance, if remodeling your bathroom includes moving the bathtub or toilet, you'll need a plumber and a general contractor.

Choosing a contractor requires time, patience and instinct. A good contractor appreciates an informed customer; so educate yourself on the project and the expertise required to complete the job. Start at your local library or on the Internet. After researching your project, check the yellow pages to find a contractor or get referrals from acquaintances that have had similar remodeling jobs done. A professional contractor usually advertises and waits for customers to call. Always be cautious if someone comes to your door looking for work. Once you've narrowed your search:

Call at least three contractors and set up appointments to go over a few basic questions. When you talk to a contractor, clearly communicate your ideas. Ask questions and listen to the responses given. Effective communication is extremely important for a customer/contractor relationship. Always give each contractor the same information regarding the project.

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